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Feed The Hungry_ Clothe The Homeless_ Help The Hurting_ Reach The Nations.


America is a nation worth reaching. If reading, please read all the way through to the end. 


When I was preparing to go on the World Race I had many encouraging comments from people. They would say “this is such an awesome opportunity and if I would have had the chance I would have loved to do something like this”. Or “what you’re doing is amazing and not very many get the opportunity to do this”. And “I think what you’re doing is great”. These comments and others, helped me to realize that what I was doing was important. It showed me that I was going to make an impact while I was away. But it also helped me to realize that my obedience to God was also impacting people back home. It impacted the hearts of people before I left and while I was away. And my hope is that this blog will also impact you in some way.


One thing I have noticed since returning home is how hard it is. Being away was yes, extremely hard. But being home after my encounter with the Lord on the Race has been in ways harder. It’s been harder to sit down and connect with the Lord in quiet time. Work and life is so busy that it’s harder to step back and see what God is doing around you. And believe me its been harder for me to continue to grow in the areas I was seeing so much growth in before. Life in America, is hard. Its suppose to be free and we’re suppose to have all these things that make life ‘easier’. From technology to the framework on our home and our floors that aren’t made of dirt. We have a lot of ‘advantages’ in the states that a lot of countries may not have. 


But let me ask you this, what is an advantage?  Google says it’s, “a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position”. Yes, I believe that a lot of the things we have in the states is an advantage. Washing and drying machines that make doing laundry easier and faster. Floors and walls that keep in the heat or air and keep out the critters. Tractors and farm equipment that make getting the job done easier and a little less physically demanding. But, what about the disadvantages? For one, all of these cost money and usually a lot of it. How do we make all the money? We have to work for it, right?


So this process of building the “presentable” life in America becomes not only expensive but competitive.  People who want to make sure their things are just as good or better than someone else’s. Becoming jealous when someone has something you don’t have. And then we have everyone working long hours to make ends meet. Families who don’t hardly see each other because they have to work overtime. Or so many other things that become distractions. And many people falling into this lifestyle causing them to struggle with depression and other anxieties. 


I’m not saying working hard is a bad thing or its wrong to have all the ‘advantages’ that America offers. What I am saying is we live in a broken world. I’m saying that America is also falling. There may be a lot of people in other countries that don’t believe in God. But, I have seen many countries where it may be a different religion but they strongly believe in it. There’s so many people in America who just don’t want to believe in anything at all. There are thousands of homeless men, women and children across the states. There’s families that struggle to put food on the table. People who are struggling with knowing their own identity. Countless people hurting with physical, emotional, mental and spiritual pain. Children who are in abusive homes or have no home at all. Girls who have found themselves in human trafficking not knowing how they even got there. Murders stretching from one side of the country to the other. Everyone putting blame on someone else or saying someone is less than. 


When I decided to go on the race I was told, “Be careful, there’s a lot of bad things happening in those other countries”. And they were right there are bad things happening in other countries. But look around, there’s bad things happening all around us right here in our own country. This is a fallen world and the ONLY solution is in Jesus Christ. 


I wrote this blog for a very important point. It wasn’t to say America is bad, because I don’t believe that. I grew up here and I love where I come from. But It was to point out that we too are a broken, fallen and hurting nation that needs the love of Christ. I’m ready to see a revival take off in this country that I love. I’m ready to see hearts change, sickness’s disappear and overall see a healing nation. One that longs for more of the God of miracles. But, thats not going to happen with us sitting still. Guys we are the ones that God is using to bring healing to our Own nations. I love missions and I love going to other countries to spread the gospel. One day I will probably go on another adventure to do just that. But today, I’m asking you all to open your eyes to those around you who are hurting. Because, this is also a nation that needs healing. Matthew 28:19-20 says,” Go therefore and make disciples of All nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age”.


God says it pretty clearly right there. To go out and make disciples of ALL nations. Guys we are a nation. So even though some may not be able to go across the world to be a missionary. You can do everything I did in other countries right here in your own country and in your own home town. The work of the Lord doesn’t end because we have families or a job. One of His commands was to go make disciples and teach them. And with that command comes His promise, that He will Always be with us. That’s just the beginning of where He is going to use you. So don’t let not being able to leave the country keep you from being a disciple for Jesus Christ. Its our job to reach out to the hungry, the homeless and the hurting people all around us. No matter where we may be. Step out and be the light to those around you. Our lives can so easily become this routined distraction from what the Lord is asking us to do right where we are. So reach out and show Gods love and in the process I guarantee, you will also feel more of the Lords presence in your life. 

So lets partner with the Lord in healing our nation. 


Thanks for reading and for all of your support. 

I am still fundraising for the journey God is calling me to next at CGA’s leadership and discipleship program. If you would like to partner with me in what the Lord is doing in my life you can do that by donating to my CGA account at


Thank you again for all of your support.

Lots of Love,
